Cat Girls, also known as Nekos, are fictional female characters commonly found in anime and manga. These characters, considered a type of monster girl, typically possess both human and feline traits, including cat ears, a cat tail, whiskers and paws.

While the concept of cat girls has existed in Japanese culture since the 1700s, their prevalence in online communities soared during the 1990s and early 2000s with the rise of anime. Since then both cat girls and their male counterparts have become a frequent subject of memes and online humor, gaining widespread recognition in recent years.

Similarly, Cat Boys are another category of this anthropomorphic phenomenon found in various forms of media. They can either be anthropomorphic cats with human-like characteristics or humans with cat ears who exhibit feline behaviors.

In our latest meme review video, we take a look at the rise of cat girls and boys and why Aztrosist thinks we may have genetically engineered cat people when the zoomers take over labs.

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Cat Boys
Cat Girl
Monster Girls
Anime / Manga
Internet Slang


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