meme review

Viral Tweet Strikes Hitherto Unknown Universal Feeling: The Humiliation Of Chasing A Ping Pong Ball

ping pong ball collection


Published November 30, 2020

They say great art comes when an author hits on a hitherto undiscovered universal truth that fleshes out the human experience. Such was the stroke of brilliance that hit Twitter user @cassthevirgin last Saturday, when she tweeted, "chasing after a ping pong ball is wildly dehumanizing."

Evidently, this struck a chord with literally a million Twitter users, racking up an astounding 1.3 million likes and turning "chasing a ping pong ball" into a meme on the platform for a week.

We've all been in this scenario: while playing the pongs beer or ping, the ball goes awry, setting off a slapdash quest to retrieve it before it inevitably rolls into the one unreachable corner of the room never before touched by human hands. The ball makes a mockery of man's mastery of the natural world, taunting you while "Yakety Sax" plays in your and all onlooker's heads. Junkee ran a long breakdown of the misery of chasing a ping pong ball after @cassthevirgin's tweet went viral, while Twitter users began firing off hot takes on ping pong balls.

The tweet clearly resonated with a wild amount of people, reaching a "like" total that can usually only be attained by celebrities and politicians. So what gives? Twitter user @LeventalLab has an idea.

Tags: ping pong, twitter, cassthevirgin,
