meme review

Monthly Review: October 2010


Published October 30, 2010

Monthly Review: October 2010

Search Interest

Never Say No to Panda

Never Say No To Panda is a viral commercial that consists of short sketches starring a cute panda mascot who does all sorts of sinister but hilarious things to people for not buying the cheese product he's sponsoring. Originally produced as a TV commercial for an Egyptian dairy company, the short series went on to receive the prestigious Cannes Silver Lion award.

Cigar Guy

Cigar Guy is the internet nickname given to a 30-year-old Londoner and investment analyst Rupesh Shingadia who was turned into a photoshop meme after being seen in the background of Tiger Woods' swing-in-action shot at the 2010 Ryder Cup in early October. Donning a brown wig and fake mustache in tribute to Spanish golfer Miguel Angel Jimenez, the man's face climbed up the exploitable chart on sites like Reddit and 4chan, joining the likes of  Sad Keanu, Strutting Leo, and Prancing Cera.

Troll Science

Troll Science, or more commonly referred to as Troll Physics, is a drawing fad that began on the /sci/ (science) board of 4chan in late September of 2010, with the earliest found thread dating at September 29th on the /b/ board. The premise behind it is to create scientific diagrams with ridiculously false logics or such pseudo-science that one could endlessly troll their science teachers. For over 300 instances of Troll Science, check out the KYMdb gallery.

Christine O'Donnell's "I am not a Witch" Video

"I am not a Witch" is a popular catchphrase that stems from a recently-aired political advert for Christine O'Donnell, the Delaware Republican candidate running for the position of Senator in the upcoming US general elections. The promo clip begins with O'Donnell clearly stating that she is "not a witch", an overly defensive remark made in reference to her past admission of dabbling in witchcraft in 1999.

Jimmy McMillan's "Rent is Too Damn High" Speech

"Rent is Too Damn High" is a political slogan adopted by Jimmy McMillan, a New York City resident and founder of the Rent Is Too Damn High Party who is running for New York state gubernatorial election in November 2010.

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Tags: meme review, never say no to panda, cigar guy, i am not a witch, jimmy mcmillan, troll science, rent is too damn high,
