Round Three, Fight!

It's time for Round 3 of MEMEFIGHT, the month-long battle of Internet memes by G4's Attack of the Show! Only 8 memes are left as we draw closer to the final battle crowning the best Internet meme of all time.

For more info on the voting process and panelists, visit the MemeFight homepage!

Battle 1: Rick Roll vs. Isaiah Mustafa

Our Elite 8 gets off to a rolling start as Rick Roll thunders into the third round to take on Isaiah Mustafa, the Old Spice Guy, in this battle of actual people. Will Rick Astley make it to the Final Four? He'll never give up, that's for sure.

Battle 2: Leeroy Jenkins vs. Epic Fail

Epic Fail is perhaps the story of MEMEFIGHT, advancing from the 28th seed all the way to the Elite 8. Will it become an Epic 8, or will the power and might that is Leeroy Jenkins charge his way into the next round?

Battle 3: Demotivational Posters vs. Rage Comics

It's an open world battle featuring the mad king of World of Warcraft, Leeroy Jenkins vs. a lover of children everywhere, the Pedobear, in this second round MEMEFIGHT matchup.

Battle 4: Keyboard Cat vs. Chuck Norris Facts

Two convincing wins make this matchup more than intriguing, as long-time Internet favorite Lolcats takes on the apathetic, but still strong Demotivational Posters, who sent David back to the Dentist in the first round.

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Related Entries 8 total

Rage Comics
Isaiah Mustafa: Old Spice
Demotivational Posters
Keyboard Cat
Chuck Norris Facts
Leeroy Jenkins
FAIL / Epic Fail

Comments 43 total


I gotta agree with Nintendork here.

I love MLP, but we gotta scale it down a little. Tons of people dislike us because we spread the word too much, and I can see how it gets annoying. I know some people don't like the show, so I try not to force it into everything. +1 internetz to the people like nitendork who show their annoyance without being a jerk, or simply ignore us if they don't like the show.



rick roll. rage comments. keyboard cat.



Bronies can't post ponies (a MEME) in articles on a meme database website other than those related to themselves… Hmmmm…. Don't think this is going to work…

And calling me biased is a waste of time. Just letting you know that. Opinions are biased by default.



Speaking as a brony I have to agree to both sides of the arguement to some extent. Yes it may make sense for MLP to be the final boss BUT its only been around since last year and this is more about older memes. When we force ponies on everyone it only leads to more hate and God knows we have enough of that already.



There seems to be a massive oversight here- where the heck is Lord Inglip? Not even Chuck Norris could stand up to the darkest of Lords… Oh well, at least Lord Inglex and the rage comics are still in the fight.


Philip J. Fry

Please stop bringing ponies up in every conversation you can. That's the entire reason I don't like the fandom, they shove it down your throat. Do you really have to continuously bring it up, ESPECIALLY after you have designated pony areas? Ponies are not in this competition, so I see no reason why it should be brought up. I know you guys are all about loving and tolerating, but can you also make it easier for other people to tolerate you guys, because I have an extremely hard time tolerating it when all I see are ponies everywhere I go.


Strutting NyanPony

The winner will help Gorden Freeman to defeat the Final Boss.



Isaiah Mustafa of course, how could you not pick this ( guy?
Epic Fail, even though I like Leroy better.
Rage comics.
I don't know. I think it'll be the Norris facts, but to be honest, while the Norris facts are more prevalent, they are kind of at the point where I just can't care anymore. Keyboard cat on the other hand, still holds up in my mind.

Fix the descriptions, as they're displaying old matches.

I wanted to talk about the little MLP thing going on here but it was too long to post. So, instead, you get this lecture. Don't fight out in the open where it will be all stupid and incite further fighting, alright? Also, remember that thread from a while back? The bronies said they would slow down with the pony stuff outside of the actual pony areas, but also said that they would need some help knowing when they were going overboard. So, if they do start going overboard, you should remind them of that promise in a private message, and they should return things to an at least tolerable level for you. That way we can keep the site nice and clean and enjoyable for everyone instead of having ponies and flame wars all over. If they don't though because, say, you might not be a brony yourself, contact another brony who you know has their own posting under control, and they'll probably vouch for your assertion that the other brony is posting too much pony, as long as that assertion is true.

Also, just don't be a dick. Seriously.



Nooooo the great furher got defeated by the great ricky roll IM BLAMING FEGELEIN !!!!!!!!!

All its left now is the oldspice guy
