The meme character known as Cheems, an ironic Doge character from Dogelore, gained massive popularity over the last several years for its humorous misspellings and fondness for cheeseburgers — pronounced as "cheemsburbger" by the Shiba Inu.

The real name of the dog behind Cheems is Balltze, also nicknamed Ball Ball, who belongs to a woman named Kathy who lives in Hong Kong. The character's memes often play on the misspelling theme, adding extra "M" letters to words, which first emerged on the /r/dogelore subreddit in June 2019.

On Saturday, it was announced by his owner that Balltze had tragically passed away due to complications arising from thoracentesis surgery, so to memorialize one of the internet's most beloved and famous dogs, we take a look back at his legacy of internet culture in our latest video.

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