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The Dumbest TikTok Challenges Of April 2022
TikTok has had its share of arguably idiotic trends and challenges. Maybe more than its share, since the platform is viewed as a hub of attempted influencers with little understanding of what's cringeworthy or over-the-top.
From a vast number of people giving themselves DIY rusty pin piercings for the "piercing roulette" challenge to the many people who hospitalized themselves over the “milk crate” challenge, there’s a lot going on with this platform all the time, much of which people don't want to see at all. But more TikTok challenges are born every day, each more nonsensical than the last. So it was only a matter of time before someone decided throwing cheese at cars would be a trend. And no, we're not just talking about parked cars. This has actually caused car accidents.
We shouldn’t have to tell you this, your common sense should instead, but it's ill-advised to do this. Even with the common knowledge that throwing cheese at passing cars to obstruct the driver’s vision and shock them into crashing is a terrible idea, much of the internet still wouldn't listen. But this is basically a new low for humanity. The people doing this either never stopped to think about what could go wrong or they simply didn't care. Probably both, if we’re being honest. Now, it's led to a teenager getting arrested in Missouri, and frankly, he's getting what he deserved.
Obviously, this is only one of many idiotic TikTok trends that are still taking over the platform. Why anyone would do these is a mystery that will forever remain unsolved, but we can take a guess that those fake internet points it earns them mean so much to these people that they'll risk life in jail, death by cheese or any other ridiculous fate that they can broadcast to their many followers.
Another popular trend right now is shooting unsuspecting victims with a gun full of Orbeez. I'm not risking my brain cells to actually watch these videos, but it sounds like we're not talking about the normal hydrated Orbeez we all know and love, but rather their original form, which is a small hard pellet. This is known as the gel pellet challenge, and it's basically the equivalent of being that jerk kid in the neighborhood who shoots people with BB guns without warning. They might not be as dangerous as regular bullets, but you can bet someone’s already shot their sibling’s eye out with this. The world we live in is not full of intelligent people.
Apparently, a number of innocent bystanders, including children, have been randomly shot by teens with dehydrated Orbeez; it's become so common that many police departments are putting out statements about it, and predictably, people are not listening. It feels almost as if we've stepped back in time so when the Tide Pod challenge roamed our online feeds, but in this case, it's not just their own health that these TikTokers are going after.
So, was TikTok a mistake? Even though this was a popular topic of debate several years ago, it's still as relevant now as it was then. Who's to say that if TikTok wasn't here to promote all these trends (which aren't even funny in the slightest anyway) we wouldn't have this same nonsense popping up on Reddit, Twitter or Instagram? But at the same time, it takes a vast community of stupidity to develop a trend this dumb, and people who throw cheese at moving cars probably aren't the social media community you're looking for.