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The Best Memes Of Doctor Strange Before 'Multiverse Of Madness'
Doctor Strange has been in all our memes lately. It’s sudden; while we’ve seen lots of Dr. Strange memes in the past from his roles in Infinity War and his original movie, the recent release of the new Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness trailer has caused a huge influx of memes involving the titular character. Somehow, this Marvel superhero (played by Benedict Cumberbatch) has become one of the most influential meme characters of our time, even though he’s frequently overlooked within the fandom. Clearly, there’s something more to him that we can’t help but constantly joke about. Celebrate the upcoming movie by reminiscing on the best memes of Doctor Strange over the years.
Doctor Strange
This is the original movie that a good portion of diehard Marvel fans went to see, but no one else. Not all of us knew about Dr. Strange’s role in anything before we saw Infinity War. Nevertheless, the scene in which he tried to negotiate with Dormammu, known simply from the line “Dormammu, I’ve come to bargain,” has become a meme. So has a four-panel meme using the line from Dr. Strange’s medical career, “You can’t do it freehand.”
Infinity War
The honest truth about Doctor Strange is he’s a character no one really cared about before Infinity War_. There, he was relevant, and he became known for memes about “glimpsing into 14,000,605 futures” and the hundreds of multiples of himself hovering around Thanos. He also gained notoriety for his quote “We’re in the endgame now,” as well as his completely strange role in the film where he gives up one of the infinity stones to save Tony Stark, which led to a ton of debate online over why exactly he did it (until we saw "_Endgame":
No Way Home
Dr. Strange only appears in Endgame briefly, since he’s dead for a good two-thirds of the movie. In No Way Home, he has a bigger role after Tom Holland’s Peter Parker goes to him for help and he winds up breaking the universe. But the most notable meme of his comes from the trailer, in which he responds to Peter calling him “Stephen” with “That feels weird, but I’ll allow it.”
Multiverse of Madness
So, it’s not out yet, but already, we’re excited to see Doctor Strange: Multiverse of Madness, which looks like it’s full of cool special effects and cameos. We can likely expect the turnout for this that isn’t too drastically different from No Way Home, since the multiple universes colliding leaves a lot of room for famous actors to make appearances as villains and heroes from both previous movies and the comics, similar to No Way Home. There’s also already a meme from this one involving Doctor Stange, where Wanda is talking to him about how it “doesn’t seem fair” that he’s considered a hero for breaking the rules, while she’s the villain. It feels necessary to remember that Wanda kept an entire town hostage in a TV world, so she’s not exactly making a fair comparison. We look forward to more memes to come from this movie, plus it looks like it’s going to be incredibly fun, so the release of Multiverse of Madness will be a win-win no matter what.
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