meme insider
‘Everything Everywhere All At Once’ Is The Best New Underrated Meme Source
Everything Everywhere All At Once is a new sci-fi thriller movie by A24 studios, the same people behind Midsommar and Hereditary. Starring Michelle Yeoh as the main character Evelyn Wang, it’s pretty much impossible to describe what this movie is actually about, but watching it feels like you’re experiencing some sort of psychological experiment, and you’ll begin to wonder if you actually fell asleep in the theater and dreamed the whole thing. Currently, the box office of Everything Everywhere All At Once shows the movie is making a loss, which is honestly a tragedy, because it’s one of the most original films in years. But I’m not here to talk about quality itself, which is not something you nor I particularly care about here. Instead, I’m here to talk about all the reasons you should see it, because by the end of the decade it’s going to become one of those cult classics that’s constantly spewing obscure jokes into the internet’s meme supply.

The Fanny Pack Scene
The first particularly memorable scene in this movie happens about 20 minutes in, and even if I gave context, it still wouldn't make any sense. Evelyn's husband confronts a group of security guards, dramatically stares at them, then pulls out a chapstick. He then eats the entire thing, while still making eye contact, and this gives him the ability to fight off an enitre group of armed guards with only his fanny pack, which he uses like a nunchuck. It’s over-the-top and feels like it would be right at home in the Josh Swain Fight, so you can probably imagine just how many memes can be made from this long, confusing scene.
Hot Dog Fingers
One of the first alternate universes in this movie that we learn about is one in which humanity evolved with hot dogs for fingers. In this universe, hot dog finger Evelyn is having an affair with the lady at the IRS who is trying to audit her. It also appears that they can squirt a cheesy substance out of their fingers, which they use for some perverted purposes. The only explanation given to this universe is the scene in which the opening of 2001: A Space Odyssey is recreated, and the audience has to listen to the classic Space Odyssey music while a monkey with hot dogs for fingers bashes in the head of a monkey with regular fingers, thus determining his evolutionary superiority. A24 has also started selling hot dog finger gloves, which has led to some predictably strange reactions online.
In another universe, Evelyn is a Benihana-style chef, who is struggling in comparison to a rival chef. One day, she stumbles upon his secret to success when he takes off his hat and reveals that he is being is puppeted by a very poorly done animatronic raccoon, who sits on his head and controls his limb movements by yanking his hair. Predictably the raccoon is known as Raccacoonie. While the climax of the movie is also taking place, it is frequently interrupted by scenes in which Evelyn tries to help her fellow chef save Raccacoonie from animal control, including a scene in which she climbs onto his head and it becomes Raccacoonie herself.
The Accounting Trophies
In what is probably the most memorable and R-rated scene in the entire film, a man fighting Evelyn attempts to stick in IRS trophy shaped…oddly (see below) inside of himself in order to gain the ability to do Kung Fu. He and Evelyn fight over the trophy while her husband and child watch, and when both are two distracted to notice, a completely different man comes flying at least six feet in the air, half naked and pixelated, to launch himself onto the trophy from a distance. In doing so, he gains the ability of a Kung Fu master, his accomplice "obtains" a trophy of his own, and the two fight Evelyn like ninjas.
Everything on a Bagel
About halfway through the movie, before the first point in which the screen says “The End” and begins to roll credits even though it’s not even close to the ending, we learn that the threat to the multiverse in this movie is a bagel. The bagel is meant to represent Evelyn's daughter Joy’s nihilism, and it's specifically an everything bagel, meaning that everything in the multiverse exists on this bagel. Are you following? Neither are we. You're not supposed to. Just don't question it, because it's not the weirdest thing about this movie, but it is yet another thing we can make fun of (in a good way, of course) before the ending inexplicably leaves us crying.