Learn Your Memes with the Alphabet!

Molly's List of Memes
A is for Advice Dog
Bis for Boxxy;
C is for C-C-C-Combo Breaker;
D is for Dog Fort;
E is for I made you a cookie but I EATED it;
F is for Forever Alone;
G is for Giga PUDDI;
H is for Heads in the Freezer;
I is for the INTERNET is leaking;
J is for Jumping Mona Lisa;
K is for KTHXBAI;
L is for the Lying Down Game;
M is for Maru the Cat;
N is for Nintendo Car;
O is for OH NOES;
P is for Philosoraptor;
Q is for Dude, You Have No QURAN;
R is for Reaction Faces;
S is for Spock's fascinating supercut;
T is for This is why we can't have nice things;
U is for U Jelly?;
V is for literal music VIDEOS;
W is for lolWUT;
X is for Exploitables;
Y is for Your Argument is Invalid;
Z is for Zazazazazaza
…and there you go ladies and gents, all the memes you can fit into the English alphabet!