Shin Megami Tensei fans were delighted yesterday by a Nintendo Direct Mini that announced Shin Megami Tensei V is coming to the Nintendo Switch in 2021 and an HD remaster of Shin Megami Tensei III: Nocturne is coming next spring. Everyone else, it seems, was quite salty about the whole thing.

Nintendo announced it would be hosting a "Nintendo Direct Mini" late Sunday night (or early Monday morning, depending on your time zone) that would focus on games from Nintendo's publishing partners. This meant there would be no news regarding major Nintendo IPs such as The Legend of Zelda and Super Smash Brothers.

Monday morning's 8-minute direct showcased DLC for Cadence of Hyrule and announced that Rogue Company and WWE 2K Battlegrounds would be coming to the Switch, along with the aforementioned Shin Megami Tensei releases. The Direct was short and hardly had the kind of gaming-world-shattering news that usually gets fans excited after a Direct, but one could argue it met the expectations Nintendo set prior to the Direct.

Nevertheless, many fans were disappointed in the Direct, which currently stands with a divisive 89/70 like-to-dislike ratio on YouTube. Fans were vocal about their disappointment with the Direct on Twitter, where they expressed anger that Nintendo gave them what Nintendo announced rather than what they wanted.

SMT fans, on the other hand, were absolutely thrilled.

Most people were just watching the divide between SMT fans and angry Nintendo fans and offering snarky commentary.

We should expect to see more Nintendo Direct Minis of this nature through the rest of 2020, so if you didn't get news on your most-anticipated new title (cough Hollow Knight 2: Silksong cough), there's always next time.

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Comments 10 total

Mega Gangsa

They told us before hand not to expect much + 3rd party only and people honestly expected around the level of
- New smash reveal
- Super Mayro Odyssey 2
- Pokeman's Crown Tundra

Like, what the actual heck guis? Y u be like this



I remember hearing about the announcement of Nocturne and SMTV and was like "That shit is so hype!"

Then a friend of mine was saying how it was getting massive dislikes and I was super confused as to why.


King Crimson

"Fans did not want this."

Speak for yourself. I've been wanting SMTV news for ages and the Nocturne remaster is just icing on the cake.



I'm not disappointed in the fact that it was a direct mini. Rather it was announced and said to be 10 minutes.

Yet it was less than 10 and the announcements could have been just done via twitter seeing as most of them were in all fairness pretty small and mediocre except for the SMT stuff which really good but not a justification for a direct mini.

They should have either kept most of this stuff for a bigger direct or just release trailers online.


Square Memester

Hopefully tomorrow's FFXIV Letter from the Producer Live Part LIX will make it up to me after the disappointment from Nintendo Direct Mini.


Jon the Wizard

One more gaggle of idiots rejected.



These kid's expectations are TOO DAMN HIGH for something that's under 10 minutes (hence the mini part). If you're an SMT fan, then you're cool about it.


Aurora Helvetica

Bless Nintendo for bringing Nocturne back.



It's on ps4 also. SMT V is exclusive though, if I'm not mistaken.
