
Have you ever wanted to spend most of your monthly income on the privilege of sleeping on a cot surrounded by strangers? Well then, you're in luck, because Podshare provides the all the accommodations of prison with the smug attitude of coastal hipsters.

Podshare, created by entrepreneur Elvira Beck, is essentially a hostel. For $50-$60 a night, or $1400-$1500 a month, you can have access to a bunk bed in a central location in Los Angeles or San Fransisco, California. Customers are surrounded by strangers (so no boinking is permitted) but are provided some amenities such as bikes, a common area, video games, and free WiFi. All in all, this is not a revolutionary concept, but it sure is pitched like one.

The Podshare first started gaining media attention around 2016, when sites like Vice and NPR covered the company, giving a relatively favorable overview of the company and the living situation, though they featured some eye-rolling quotes from Beck ("We're creating a social network with a physical address," "We build the pods surrounding a common area, never a corner or boxing anyone out. If community was a shape, it would be a circle.") Buzzfeed posted a very successful video in which they compared the situation to summer camp.

The Podshare returned to the public consciousness yesterday when LA City Controller Ron Galperin tweeted that the Podshare was "an innovative (solution) to housing in the midst of rising rents and high costs in Los Angeles."

This time around, the commentary on Podshares was less enthusiastic. Many Twitter users were horrified to learn that Podshares were a thing, comparing it to a "refugee experience" and a concentration camp.

Others noted that the supposedly "affordable" alternative Podshare offers to traditional living situations was actually still quite expensive.

Perhaps if the marketing for Podshare eased up on the idea that it is a legitimate, sustainable solution to rising housing costs, the backlash wouldn't be as harsh. After all, the idea seems like a reasonably neat, albeit aggressively friendly hostel, but clearly, the idea of being in full view of strangers 24 hours a day, including while sleeping, has not jived with Twitter. As user @itsnonbb put it:

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Comments 20 total


"when we win, never forget that these people want you broke, dead, your kids raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny"



Clear symptom of Late stage capitalism folks, it's only gonna get worse from here.



They just need to call it "artisan" in some way and they've got all the garbage hipster business checkboxes.



I should charge $1500 USD to one of these people to live in my house so they can boast to their friends about the experience of not living in a wealthy society.



This is exactly the kind of efficiency and cruelty I would pull in Rimworld. God help them all.


Nox Lucis

I rent a three-room apartment with free gym, office, and pool access in a low-crime gated community for $800 a month.

I can't take California seriously right now.



That actually sounds pretty nice. Are the apartments low quality?


Nox Lucis

Nah. It's actually a really nice place.



That's cool. Sounds like a great place to live.



Eat bugs
Eat human flesh
Don't have kids
Only own the bed you sleep on with 20 other people
No wonder people are in despair


winton overwat

Technically they don't even own the bed



Just cut to the chase and tell them to kill themselves, will you?



I’m not one of those neo-con/neo-libs who think the market supercedes everything. And that the climate (the reason we poor people need to eat bugs and other humans) or that having children or a family gets in the way of the economy or gets in the way of wages.
You have that on top of a saturated workforce with women and foreigners and it’s a recipe for disaster.



With enough marketing you can make a poor standard of living an exciting experience!


Cellular Lukeleus

I feel like Adam and Matt need to be expunged



comments like these only make us stronger. matt just invented three more trump memes


General Confusion

Matt should keep his memes save in his hard drive by never sharing them.
