September 3rd, 2019: a date which will live in infamy--the Furry was suddenly and deliberately attacked by pop star Lana Del Rey.

During an Instagram live stream, a user noticed the Norman Fucking Rockwell! singer had a pony from My Little Pony behind her and declared, "Lana is a furry!" She replied "I'm not a furry," before mercilessly adding, "you guys are gross."

This devastating attack on the furry community did not go unnoticed, as the Furry army planned its retaliation, defending its community and tearing down Del Rey's talent.

Meanwhile, others rallied behind Del Rey's cause, using the soundbyte as a rallying cry against the Furries.

Others tweeted this clip which I had to see with my own two eyes and now you do too:

As of now, there is no official death count in the Lana Del Rey vs. Furries war. Nevertheless, multiple news publications are following the story, so rest assured the media will stay abreast of this hairy situation.

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Lana Del Rey
Furries / Furry

Comments 31 total


Oh boy, is it time to make fun of furries and act like their the mad ones when they reply back?


El piso

Reminds me of this:



Furries are worthy of little more than being buried in the earth. They are sexual perverts and often outright pedophiles. They get aroused by the thought of making love to barnyard animals, and so dress up as them and grind on one another or local children.



Lana is part of the revolution and has been. She hired me to do her 2020 album cover, here is a preview



On the topic of furries, why do they just dump random furry art on here
Like can you piss off I'm trying to look at memes I don't want to see some green dog in workout gear
It's really annoying
Same goes for other random fanart but I just dislike furries



Hey, if fanart is in the correct gallery, there's nothing wrong with it. KYM is about documenting shit, both memes and other things such as fandoms or people.

Everyone complains about half the memes that make it here anyways.


Liu Ki Boy

This comment section is surprising, I remember being attacked a year ago for criticising MLP nsfw(Which I didn’t want to see) art on here. But getting on topic, I can see why she would say that but I’ve met some ok furries who aren’t into ‘fucking animals’, thankfully.



1.) Said user should not have assumed Lana was a furry because of a Pony in the background. Would've been more understandable to assume she was a pegasister (female brony for those who do not now).

2.) Lana should not have outright said, "You guys are gross." Because that is never received well (Unless you're that guy from Ijiranaide, Nagatoro-san) especially when you're a celebrity.

The lesson to learn here is, never assume, and choose your words wisely.
Now Lana should be expecting packages from Bad Dragon. (Oh yes, I know what it is.)



surely all bronies aren't in denial about being furries. Right?



Honestly, I do believe there are some that just like (or did like) the show for the writing and as a new spin on a franchise where the target demographic was supposed to be young girls, but expanded into a wide variety of people. However, you get any animal and make it more and more human in appearance, you're gonna get somebody to say "you know, that's kinda hot."



I heard a rumor that MLP used to be liked by young girls who didn't end up becoming furries. But we all know that can't be true, right?
