Boss makes a dollar, I make a dime, but soon we may not be able to crap on company time.

A British startup has introduced arguably the most insidious concept late capitalism has concocted yet: the sloped toilet. Look upon this and despair:

On Monday, Wired covered the StandardToilet, a company literally borne from one man's annoyance that he couldn't find a potty when he needed to take a hangover dump. Company founder Mahabir Gill got the idea, Wired writes, "while he was shopping in a department store the morning after a particularly heavy night out, and in desperate need for a toilet, could only find locked cubicles."

Thus comes the sloped toilet, a toilet angled downwards at a 13 degree slope that will cause its users' legs to ache after five minutes. The slope will indeed cause strain on the legs, but “not enough to cause health issues,” says Gill. “Anything higher than that would cause wider problems. Thirteen degrees is not too inconvenient, but you’d soon want to get off the seat quite quickly.” The toilet has already been approved by the British Toilet Association, which is a real thing that exists, and will retail between £150 and £500.

Unsurprisingly, when this story hit Twitter, almost nobody was happy. The toilet, as many will attest, is a sacred area of the workplace where a worker can recuperate and take a few minutes of work-free relaxation (provided they aren't going through some gastro-intestinal distress).

Others at least had a sense of humor about the thing.

At the very least, this is a development employees everywhere must resist lest corporate fatcats try to take our toilet time. Workers of the world, poop on!

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Comments 18 total

Kenetic Kups

This is what happens when your state is run by the corperations



If your workplace installs a toilet like this, don't use the bathroom anymore. Instead just point your rectum towards the nearest ceiling fan and mortar a turd straight into the blades.

It's time people learn what happens when shit hits the fan!


Kenetic Kups

The virgin strike vs the chad shitstorm



I don't see that being legal under the ADA. That's purposefully malicious.



Easy solution. Squat. And fuck malevolent architecture like this.


The Glorious Lobster Emperor

This kinda shit is why you JOIN YOUR BLOODY UNION.

For the love of God, if you reading this aren't in your union, go join one right now. The fees are tax deductible and you earn more money over all, plus your union lobbies against horseshit like this.



Unions aren't really the great protectors that people think they are. I remember my Dad's union going on a few really long strikes when I was growing up. You can't get unemployment while on strike, and really you aren't allowed to work any other jobs, but working side jobs was always a hush thing. Everyone did it but you just didn't talk about it. I remember there were bans on shopping at places that didn't have unions, like you could get in trouble if you were found shopping in a walmart or eckered. In reality the Union heads hold out for a deal that most benefits them, rather than the people they are representing.



Women in the workforce, flooding the labour pool with immigrants, destroying the family, all stuff to benefit corporations.



obligatory statement, if a woman wants to, fine. They can but I don't think they should have to.


Kenetic Kups




can't wait for the inevitable out cry from the disabled employee. they may not be able to balance on the 13' seat and it will be considered discriminatory. also introducing these in any sort of retail environment will most definitely go down as some kind of work place violation as a health hazard i'm sure.



There will be a company selling a 13 degree angled seat to place on top of the toilet, so the toilet is flat again.



How about you just go in for your shit, wash your hands, and get the fuck out without selfishly wasting everybody's time on your phone like a normal fucking human being?



Yes massa. Wouldn't want to cut inta yer bottom line massa.


The Glorious Lobster Emperor

Does that boot taste good?

Maybe get some BBQ sauce on it.
