
What Is The Meaning Of 'ksos,' The Supposedly Unsayable Word On TikTok?


Published April 10, 2024

TikTokers have discovered a bizarre phenomenon on the app: If you attempt to comment "ksos," the site will warn you before you do so, similar to how sites like Twitter will give users a warning before posting an expletive-filled, insulting tweet. The difference here is that nearly no one seems to have any clue about what "Ksos" means. Here are some theories on the bizarre word TikTok doesn't want its users to say.

What Does "ksos" Mean?

As of the time of writing, it's unclear exactly why TikTok doesn't want its users writing "ksos," but there are some probable explanations. One of the first TikToks that popularized the "ksos" phenomenon was posted on December 7th, 2023 by user people.who.know2. The tweet suggests that Muslim people would understand why "ksos" is such a big deal.

In the comments, several people claiming to be Muslim said they still didn't get it, but others said it could be shorthand for the severe Arabic curse word "kos umak."

Another possibility is that "ksos" is shorthand for the French insult "cassos," which is used to insult someone as poor and stupid, similar to how Americans would use "trailer trash." On TikTok, there are examples of French TikTok users calling things 'ksos' in a pejorative manner. It's possible TikTok caught a French insult in its content guidelines.

It's also possible that TikTok is catching "ksos" due to its similarities to common, violent acronyms like KYS, though that's merely conjecture.

What's The Deal With The Creepy "ksos" Videos?

While some online have been attempting to hash out the meaning of "ksos," others have turned the phrase into old-fashioned engagement bait, trying to scare others about a new "dirty word" on the app.

These are likely a mere means to further drive curiosity and engagement about "ksos" by introducing slang and refusing to explain it. TikTok recently saw a similar trend with Green FN, as videos featuring the term continued to spread on the app and many refused to explain what it meant.

Whatever the case, "ksos" likely isn't as sinister as such videos suggest, and the trend of creepy clips about the term appears to be a case of TikTokers taking advantage of piqued curiosity to drive views and prompt comments.

For the full history of ksos, be sure to check out Know Your Meme's encyclopedia entry for more information.

Tags: ksos, tiktok, french, arabic, warning, what is ksos, what does ksos mean, ksos meaning, explainer, explained,
