The Duality of Man has been a phrase often said for decades, meant to explain a complex part of human psychology with a simple four words. The phrase, found in higher literature before making it's way online, even had one of the classiest definitions you'll ever find on Urban Dictionary, a site known for making everything sound like a horrible innuendo. But what really is The Duality of Man and how is it expressed online?

What Is The Duality of Man?

Put into the simplest terms possible, the Duality of Man is used as a phrase when two humans show the opposite Take on something. An example that's easy to understand is sugar. Ants love sugar. It doesn't matter which ant, from what continent, or how big it is, every single ant loves sugar. However, not every human loves sugar. Some will say that sugar is amazing, as it makes things taste sweet, while others will comment that sugar makes things too sweet and they prefer bitter things and they hate when they taste anything slightly sugary. That is the Duality of Man, two completely opposite ideals existing in the same species, and it's part of what makes humans so unique.

How Is It Used Online?

The Duality of Man is most observed online in comments, the things you're always told to never read. The generally accepted belief that online you will always find someone willing to argue or fight about the smallest things is always on full display in the comments section on any post, and that's where the Duality of Man can truly be seen. A cute cat video you saw with a baby kitten extending it's paws and purring? While several people will say how cute it is, there will always be those few who comment how baby kittens are actually horrible and they hate it.

Why Do People Call It Out?

The Duality of Man isn't always called out when it occurs, but it does often get noticed. The reason for people calling it out can vary, but it's mostly done to show how things can bring out wildly different takes in people, even when it's seemingly a trivial matter. People love to argue for the sake of arguing, and letting their opinion be heard on a matter is what the Internet was founded on, so in that way, the Duality of Man will always live on.

For more information, feel free to check out the awesome entry on The Duality of Man or check the gallery of memes here.

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The Duality of Man
Urban Dictionary


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