Baldur's Gate III is finally out and it's quickly become one of the most played games on Steam. In particular, one aspect of the game is going viral and inspiring memes online and it's the romantic bear scene. So what is the bear scene and why is it inspiring so much talk and memes? Here's what you need to know.

What Is The 'Baldur's Gate 3 Bear Scene' Meme?

Baldur's Gate III, the long-awaited third entry in the Dungeons and Dragons Baldur's Gate series, is out and taking over social media. A month before the game's release, Larian, the studio behind the game, hosted a livestream where they showcased gameplay.

One scene in particular caught the internet's attention, in which the player romances the druid Halsin and engages in a romantic scene with him. The twist is that the scene takes place with Halsin in the form of a bear. People quickly turned the scene into a meme as they eagerly awaited the game's release so they could experience it first-hand.

How Is The 'Baldur's Gate 3 Bear Scene' Used In Memes?

Ever since the scene was revealed in July, people have been posting memes reacting to it. Many are shocked that you can romance a bear in the game. Some are even offended over the addition of the scene, although many others just see it as funny and surprisingly fitting of the D&D experience.

How To Romance Halsin And Experience The Bear Scene In 'Baldur's Gate 3?'

Halsin is a companion character and druid in Baldur's Gate 3 that you'll meet late in the game at the Worg Pens, where he's been captured in his bear form by goblins. To recruit him, you need to attack the goblins. Once you've rescued him, Halsin will be available at your camp.

To get the romance option for Halsin, you need to complete his companion quest, which can be triggered at the Last Light Inn by speaking to Art Cullagh. You then need to raise Halsin's trust by interacting with him positively, also aided by treating nature and animals with respect. Once you have a high approval rating with Halsin, you can talk to him intimately at camp and trigger the bear scene.

For the full history of the Baldur's Gate III bear scene be sure to check out Know Your Meme's encyclopedia entry for more information.

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