Over the past 48 hours, many social media users and some conservative politicians and commentators have been loudly declaring that they'll never let President Joe Biden get his mitts on their gas stoves, and in some cases have stopped just short of saying they'll leave their gas stoves running just to spite him.

So how exactly did a gravely misrepresented report lead to a wild rumor that the Biden administration and the U.S. government want to ban gas stoves in America? Let's explain.

Here's how we got here: On Monday, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission commissioner Richard Trumka Jr. said in an interview that gas stoves, which are used in 40 percent of U.S. homes, are a "hidden hazard" on account of the air pollutants they release that can cause health problems.

According to Bloomberg, "Natural gas stoves … emit air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and fine particulate matter at levels the EPA and World Health Organization have said are unsafe and linked to respiratory illness, cardiovascular problems, cancer, and other health conditions."

There has been some governmental push to address this issue. Senator Cory Booker of New Jersey and Representative Don Beyer of Virginia have urged the USCPSC to look into gas stoves, suggesting it "consider requiring warning labels, range hoods and performance standards" for the common household appliance.

In Bloomberg's article, Trumka said, "Any option is on the table. Products that can’t be made safe can be banned." Bloomberg then made its headline, "US Safety Agency to Consider Ban on Gas Stoves Amid Health Fears," and that led to some commenters declaring they were ready to die for their gas stoves.

For closer readers, the interpretation of Trumka's comment that "any option is on the table" regarding gas stoves to mean that "Joe Biden wants to nuke your gas stove from existence" (to paraphrase) seemed ridiculous.

Their feelings were then affirmed when the CPSC followed up with a statement given to Snopes that declared that Trumka's comment does not reflect the view of the whole agency, and furthermore:

CPSC has not proposed any regulatory action on gas stoves at this time. Any regulatory action by the Commission would involve a lengthy process. Agency staff plans to start gathering data and perspectives from the public on potential hazards associated with gas stoves, and proposed solutions to those hazards later this year. Commission staff also continues to work with voluntary standards organizations to examine gas stove emissions and address potential hazards.

Additionally, CPSC chair Alexander Hoehn-Saric released a public statement this morning assuring the masses that he was not considering a ban on gas stoves. In it, he directly stated, "To be clear, I am not looking to ban gas stoves and the CPSC has no proceeding to do so."

So, no, the U.S. government is not coming to forcibly remove gas stoves from American homes, despite what the histrionics of some media outlets and internet users or even recent memes would have you believe.

But at the very least, if you weren't aware that gas stoves can cause health problems, now you do, and it may be worth looking into ways to properly vent your home when cooking if you want to avoid any medical problems.

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Joe Biden

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Ah yet again the dumbest people in America are easily whipped into a fervent anger against Brandon. They won't stop repeating this lie, they still won't admit he won the election lol.



I use gas rings for cooking, but I had heard about these dangers relating to fumes in the air a few years ago, and I think if I was ever making a change I'd swap it with induction primarily for this reason. I assume they will eventually go the way of leaded fuel, but it will just be because manufacturers will eventually stop making them, not because anyone is going to break down your door and take it from your house at gunpoint.



When did KYM turn into a bad copy of snopes?



One of the fundamental reasons why it's amazingly difficult to get political consensus on global hot topic issues like Climate Change is the sensationalism that turns, what ought to be a bi partisan issue, into a political arena: promising one side the technocratic power to do as they will, while arguing the other side should forfeit their liberties. Say what you will about Trump, but the most honest statement he ever gave was to call corporate media the enemy of people.



There's really not a "both sides" element to politicising climate change. In US politics, there is one side that has a pretty moderate inclination to do anything about it at all, and another who opposes it staunchly and still pushes anti-scientific quack theories that the whole thing is hoax (including Trump of course).

This story is an example of that. Media didn't misreport this, it's just some conservative goobers on Twitter who are determined to make climate activists look crazy and overbearing so that people won't take them seriously, so they concoct some story about how your cooker is going to get seized by Joe Biden.



Induction BTFO's gas anyway.



It's "Incandescent lightbulbs forever! Who cares about LEDs?!" all over again.

And now all the people here in Europe that scalped incandescent lightbulbs before they were banned are sitting on their supply with tons of bulbs because NOBODY wants to buy them anymore… since by now LEDs can do everything incandescent could do and more.



I'm so happy that my apartment came with one. I cooked at my mom's place and I felt like dying when it didn't take just a couple of minutes to bring water to a boil.



Sensationalist media riles people up for profit again.

In all likelyhood, local fire ordinances probably already require range hoods that would be sufficient for this, but standardizing it at the federal level wouldn't be the worst idea.



Out of all the awful things that Biden's administration has been accused of that turned out to be true, it's nice to know at least one item can be removed from the list.


Kenetic Kups

