
Is This Picture Of Greta Thunberg Getting Arrested At Hague Protest Real Or Edited? Fact-Checking The Viral Image


Published April 08, 2024

Climate activist Greta Thunberg has recently been detained by police at a climate protest in Hague, Netherlands. An image in which her breasts appear noticeably large has been spread on imageboards and social media in the hours following the news, with some users joking that they are now sharing Thunberg's views on climate and politics. Was the image edited and who posted it? Find this and more in this brief fact-check.

Was Greta Thunberg Detained In Hague?

On April 5th, 2024, during a climate protest in Hague, Netherlands, Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg was detained by Dutch police, who dragged her away into a police bus. The video of the incident was shared by media and multiple user accounts on X / Twitter and YouTube.

What's The Image Of Greta Thunberg That Went Viral?

Later on April 5th, X user @ExcclesiaLatin posted an edited photograph of Thunberg in which her breasts were digitally enlarged.

The photograph is an edited frame from the footage of Greta Thunberg getting detained by two officers at the protest. Compare the fake with the unedited image below.

The photograph gained viral spread among users on X / Twitter and on imageboards such as 4chan in the following days: for example, on April 6th, 2024, X user @GarbageHuman23 reposted the edited image, with the post gaining over 4.9 million views, 1,600 reposts and 30,000 likes in one day.

What Are People Saying About The Photoshopped Image Of Greta Thunberg?

The edited image of Greta Thunberg has been inspiring joking commentary in which people claimed that they now fully support Greta Thunberg and her views, subtly implying that they are attracted to this edited version of her. Memes like this primarily saw spread on X / Twitter and on 4chan.

For the full history of Greta Thunberg breasts Photoshop, be sure to check out Know Your Meme's encyclopedia entry for more information.

Tags: explainer, greta thunberg, hague, protest, dutch police, netherlands, photoshop, fake, fact-checking, image, photograph, picture, edit, explained, hoax,
