Dating is arguably one of the hardest things to enjoy on the planet. And yet, it somehow the whole process got way worse thanks to the spread of the Coronavirus which is now causing added stress to relationships worldwide. The following story was submitted to the subreddit /r/relationships, and centers around a woman debating if she should break up with a man who did not wear a surgical mask while flying back from the west coast. After her story was reposted by the Twitter account @redditships, many users couldn't help but reply with their thoughts, especially after they learned that they had only been on three dates.

(Source: Twitter)

A New Novel Was Born From This Story

(Source: Twitter)

An Excellent Point

(Source: Twitter)

Unclear Who The Pandemic Is Here

(Source: Twitter)

Many Could Not Get Over Her Request To Take A Selfie

(Source: Twitter)

Some Saw It As A Test

(Source: Twitter)

And Performative

(Source: Twitter)

And A Cause For Divorce

(Source: Twitter)

How Does One Actually Take A "Cute Mask Selfie?"

(Source: Twitter)

Many Were Happy To Point Out That The Mask Barely Helps At All

(Source: Twitter)

And That Her Reaction Was Over-The-Top

(Source: Twitter)

Although, Some Did Defend Her Reaction

(Source: Twitter)

Especially Since It Sounds Like She Might Be Extra Anxious About Things

(Source: Twitter)

The Germaphobe Community Understood

(Source: Twitter)

Let's All Agree That This Was The Best Sentence In The Story

(Source: Twitter)

Let us know if you think she's overreacting below!

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Yep, I happen to be one of those unlucky people whose parents are Chinese and gave birth to me in a western country meaning I get grouped with the Chinese and targeted by this whole sinophobia crap, On the outside I'm Chinese, but on the inside I'm Dutch. And guess what, I get attracted to white girls. I've never even gotten close to a date, let alone a decent friendship cuz I'm extremely socially awkward and also autistic. And Asian men are the LEAST attractive of any race to white girls. Even for Asian standards I look like shit with my round-ass face tainted with glasses. Will ANY white girl ever bother dating me now? And you can say incel or whatever but my case is PARTICULARILY bad



Stay strong brother, you have so much more worth than if girls find you attractive


*Name censored*

Get some therapy, it might improve your self-esteem.



You're right, my self-esteem has gotten very low, idk where to reliably find therapy that doesn't make my parents complain for not trusting it or thinking I'm ok tho


Kirb Blanco

I don't care about a bunch of nobodies on Twitter reacting to a nothing post on Reddit.
