Comedian Louis C.K. decided to drop a new comedy special titled Sincerely Louis C.K. over the weekend, which received quite a bit of attention on Twitter. While many would welcome any form of entertainment during a pandemic that has forced us all in a lockdown, some found it difficult to process following the comedian's sexual harassment allegations that have sullied his career. In addition, the special is only available on his website and will cost you $7.99 to view.

While many have scoffed at Louis C.K.'s attempts to resurface back into the public, this announcement was also met with sincere excitement from the comedian's fans who were eager for new material. While it remains unclear if Sincerely Louis C.K. will help or hinder the comedian's career even further, it has certainly caused enough distraction online for those desperately bored out of their minds. The number of jokes dropped on Twitter in response to the special's release could make up their own stand-up routine alone.

To nobody's surprise, many users were quick to judge the comedian for even attempting to release new material.





Especially since Louis C.K. apparently thanks Harvey Weinstein's attorney in the end credits.


The price of the special alone was enough to anger people.

Of course, many of his fans were excited to see him return.





It appears that Louis C.K. even takes time to address his allegations in the new special.

One thing we can all agree on, is that this topic somehow makes us feel normal again.


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Comments 1 total

Alex Reynard

Shit, I got eight bucks. Let's go. The bit about how much he hates deer is funny enough that I'd forgive him if he masturbated in front of those women and then killed them and ate their heads.
