Tweet Asking Which Candy You'd Eliminate Forever Has Torn Internet To Reese's Pieces
Absolutely nothing riles up the internet like debates over the ranking of items in a category of food. When World War III happens, it will be because someone launched a nuclear take that Frosted Mini Wheats is a trash cereal and Fruity Pebbles is cereal master race.
While we're not at that point yet, tensions between warring food alliances escalated over the weekend when news anchor and Twitter user Liz Dueweke dropped a bomb on the timeline. She showed a picture of several candies--a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup, a bag of M&Ms, a Kit Kat bar, a Milky Way, a Twix, and a Snickers-- and stated, "One has to go. Forever. Which one do you choose?" Thus began a vicious bloodletting on the timeline the likes of which hadn't been seen since the Great Sandwich Debate.
Here are the arguments from each respective camp. First, some takes from the (objectively insane) anti-Reese's gang:
The much more represented anti-Milky Way contingency, of which Dueweke herself is a member:
The anti-M&Ms alliance:
The anti-Twix faction:
The anti-Kit-Kat Kavalry:
The Snickers Snickerers:
The debate still rages on Twitter and shows no signs of slowing, days since the question was posed. As families and friendships are torn apart, we pass the question to you: which would you get rid of (for yours truly, it's M&Ms).