It's pretty wonderful that even in 2019, Facebook is still providing outstanding material for social commentary. Below are 15 painful images selected from the delightful library known as the subreddit /r/TerribleFacebookMemes. Even though we found them to be absolutely awful, feel free to share them with your Boomer relatives who will undoubtedly enjoy them.

What A Plot Twist

(Source: Reddit)

Time To Diss Santa

(Source: Reddit)

Just Set It To Killing Me Instead

(Source: Reddit)

What A Fun Little Test

(Source: Reddit)

Wives Are The Worst!

(Source: Reddit)

I Would Like To Gently Tap This Meme With A Hammer

(Source: Reddit)

Better Update Your Passport!

(Source: Reddit)

Only 90s Kids Will Get This And Hate It

(Source: Reddit)

At Least They Didn't Refer To Themselves As A Cybertruck

(Source: Reddit)

Why Did A Human Being Make This?

(Source: Reddit)

The Equal Sign Is Throwing Me Off

(Source: Reddit)

Jail This Person Instead

(Source: Reddit)

And The Only One You Still Know How To Use

(Source: Reddit)

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Dad jokes are "terrible" now?



Finally, something we agree on.
