Every week we at Know Your Meme browse through thousands of memes, from which we cherry-pick the best of best to terrorize our friends and family members with. This year, we decided to start sharing them with you, too. Here's our very first curated list of the silliest, funniest, layered and most exquisite memes of the week for everyone to enjoy.

Read Between The Lines

When universe is sending you a message.

Most Dangerous Men In FPS

One of them will defend you, the other two will try to kill you, who are you picking?


I think I'm gonna buy one of each.

Uh Oh

There's A Venn Diagram For Everything

Hey Dude Wanna Be A Bro And Go On An Epic Quest?

Lies. Deception

2023 Will Be My Year

With Extra Sunroof Protection

Finally, a car fit for the greatest legal mind I ever knew.

The Day Scorsese Finally Discovers True Kino

What If Knives Out Was Set In 2020

He needs to get better at this.

Just Two Normal Cubes

…must have been the wind.

Columbo Takes The Case

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