Tokyo's "Mundane Costume" Party Features Spot-on Costumes Of Everyday Characters
Every Halloween, some genius shows up to a party with no costume. When other people tell them that it's a Halloween party and they were supposed to show up in costume, they'll say, "I'm going as myself, because society makes all men wear costumes." It's a terrible bit and no one should do that again.
However, a party in Tokyo takes this concept just a little bit further and makes it incredible. Daily Portal Z began the "Jimi Halloween" party ("Mundane Halloween") party in 2014, and the concept is attendees show up in completely ordinary costumes, such as "Someone who is drinking something hot" or "Lady who wore black clothes and then played with a cat." It's led to some extremely good concepts for costumes that have been helpfully translated by Twitter user Melissa Martin. Here are some terrific costumes from 2019's Jimi Halloween.