
This Redditor's Unbelievable 'Malicious Compliance' Story Has Everyone Sharing Their Wildest Apartment Living Stories


Published April 14, 2022

Malicious compliance is a term coined to describe doing exactly what you were told, but not in a well-meaning sort of way. Thanks to the subreddit /r/MaliciousCompliance, the phrase has gained notoriety. Many of us have been maliciously compliant about something at some point in our lives, but few of us have ever been in such a frustrating and dangerous situation as this one. This story comes from Redditor /u/TheAngryArcanist, who lived in an apartment with a roommate and an upstairs neighbor who was a little too noisy. The situation spiraled quickly, as this memorable thread shows. The story began to trend on the subreddit, with people sharing roommate and landlord stories of their own as well as reacting to the complete absurdity of the original post.

The Noisy Neighbor Story Begins

(Source: Reddit)

We’ve all had a bad neighbor at some point in our lives. Apartments are especially noisy places. But as you’ll soon see, this neighbor was not only obnoxiously loud, but he became an actual danger.

The Situation Escalates

First of all, who throws heavy weights on the floor when they’re done with them? Especially if they don’t live on the first floor? It’s a very good thing OP had the foresight to get away from that part of the apartment with the cracks and move their valuables away.

Commenters Shared Some of Their Own Bad Roommate Stories

With the way this commenter describes the situation, it’s hard to say whether or not this was an appropriate, rational response to the noise, and it must have taken a lot of effort to stay home and blast the music all day long for a whole week for petty revenge. At least it worked?

Honestly Just a Typical College Dorm Experience

College dorms are absolutely full of these sorts of situations. It’s nothing out of the ordinary, even this commenter’s revenge plan. It’s common to hear nothing but loud music and screaming all hours of the day or night.

A Better College Story

This one’s a lot more creative and really gets the message across. There’s nothing worse they can do to obnoxious neighbors like that than making them listen to their own noise. Smart move. This Redditor also explained what happened to the upstairs and downstairs neighbors, which basically amounts to noise complaints they submitted to the landlord, but when the landlord searched those apartments illegal substances were found. Hey, at least this landlord took noise complaints seriously, unlike OP’s.

Some Redditors Commented On The Neighbor's Horrible Weight-Lifting Ideas

So this concierge wasn’t technically the one to find it, but…did the guest really think this was a good idea? How did they manage this in the first place? Did they get charged to replace the whole ceiling?

Someone Shared a Story With the Same Energy

I really hope this one isn’t true. But in a way, it’s basically the same thing that happened to OP, only this time no one was harmed except the landlord, who certainly learned his lesson about not listening to noise complaints.

I mean, technically, yes, it’s breaking and entering, right? Lots of people really wanted OP to sue the landlord and the tenant, though OP said they’d prefer to file for negligence with only the landlord. They also explained that the landlord did not want to pay for the hotel expenses, even though he should have been required to do so.

OP's Final Update

So, OP and the roommate were gifted a year of free rent, $300 off all future rent (which would not be enough to keep me living there, honestly), reimbursement for the past six months of rent, and the landlord agreed to cover their hotel expenses. Many people would have sued for way more than this settlement, but OP and their roommate seem happy with this deal, so they’re thankfully getting a nice payday because of the whole situation.

Tags: malicious compliance, /r/maliciouscompliance, funny, reddit, thread, interesting, weird, scary, stories, popular, trending,
