This Old Clip Of Alex Trebek Talking About "Nerdcore Hip Hop" Has Twitter Laughing
Today, Twitter users spent most of their day wondering why Alex Trebek's name was trending, which ostensibly caused a lot of panic due to him still fighting his dreadful pancreatic cancer in the middle of a pandemic. Fortunately for the entire world, a video from four years ago from Jeopardy! decided to go viral which either had people calling Trebek a savage or downright mean.
In the clip, Trebek is seen asking a contestant named Susan Cole about her favorite type of music who replies that she enjoys "Nerdcore hip hop." When Trebek responds with incredulity to the term "Nerdcore hip hop," Cole adds that involves people rapping about video games, science fiction and grappling with a difficult dating world. After Trebek hears her description, he replied that it sounds like another word for "losers."
Initially people were very concerned to see the host's name trend and were pleased to see him still in good health.
Memes and videos were used to describe the viral exchange.
Oh, so Alex Trebek is trending for being savage? Well, here you go… #AlexTrebek
— Zak Wolf (@wiley207) April 23, 2020
Alex Trebek’s timing of “losers” would rival any comedians. God bless him.
— Brandon Smith (@minismitty) April 23, 2020
New rules were suggested following the video being shared online.
Alex Trebek should be allowed to kill the contestants if they displease him. At least give him a long bullwhip so he can punish them from across the set. He has earned it
— sourdough finisher (@alexqarbuckle) April 23, 2020
Dear diary: Today America learned that Alex Trebek has run out of fucks to give. #nerdcore #Jeopardy
— Sean (@HonestlyClever) April 23, 2020
However, some users were displeased and letdown by Trebek's words.
Lost all respect for Alex when I first saw this. What a trash comment to make.
— Phill McUpp (@_Cloaked) April 23, 2020
Why would Alex Trebek speak ill of nerds? The only people who want to go on Jeopardy are fucking nerds.
— Anthony Fantano Updates (@theneedledrop) April 23, 2020
I’ll take dissing your entire viewing demographic for 400, Alex.
— Fred Whitacre, Jr. (@fredwhitacrejr) April 23, 2020
One user even called him a bully.
Who would have guessed that the long-running host of a TV show for trivia nerds would be a bully and refer to nerds as losers? Fuck that guy.
— Nick Arnott (@noir) April 23, 2020
If today taught us anything, let's hope that it's this photo of Alex Trebek that causes him to trend on Twitter next.
If Alex Trebek is going to trend, let's make it for this magnificent look
— Oh Reader (@OhReader_Mag) April 23, 2020
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