
These 20 Bizarre Images Are Bound To Get You Thinking

Two images from /r/hmmm in the following collection.


Published 3 years ago

If you're not looking to think a whole lot outside of work or school, we understand. But hear me out on this one — these pictures won't take up too much brain power. In fact, according to the subreddit they came from, they'll just make you say "hmmm." At the same time, it's nice to give your brain some sort of stimulation, even when it's just in the form of a weird, confusing image that you really don't want to think about for too long.

Join the online community in some philosophical ponderings and take a look at some of the best images from /r/hmmm, the sub known for leaving us all a little disturbed yet intrigued. There's no context, no answers, no way to know what exactly it is you're looking at, but we don't care. We don't need explanations, only an endless onslaught of weird thoughts that will wind up keeping us awake at night once in a while. Give it a shot and scroll through some odd images that will leave you with unanswered questions.

Someone Explain What This Means Please

(Source: Reddit)

Security Threat

(Source: Reddit)

Glitch in the Matrix

(Source: Reddit)

Dog vs Lobster

(Source: Reddit)

If John Carpenter Made The Peanuts

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The Mixologist

(Source: Reddit)

The Real Last Jedi

(Source: Reddit)

A Proud Mom

(Source: Reddit)

The Prisoners

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Prayer Time

(Source: Reddit)

That's a Big Snail

(Source: Reddit)

Happy Birthday Grandma

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I Can't Imagine How Bad This Looks Rotten

(Source: Reddit)

Forbidden Snack

(Source: Reddit)

Where Can I Buy One?

(Source: Reddit)

Perfectly Normal Woods

(Source: Reddit)

Yeti Sighting

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: weird, hmmm, cursed, blursed, blursed image, cursed image, blessed image, blessed, strange, funny, /r/hmmm, reddit, pics, r/hmmm, collections,
