
These 15 Images Show What Happens When Lazy People Design Things


Published 4 years ago

A subreddit that desperately needs its own magazine is /r/Cr*ppyDesign where awful objects, products, advertisements, and interior furnishings are showcased for all the world to see. It's safe to assume that the people who designed these cursed images and objects were paid, despite being wildly intoxicated. At least, that's what we're hoping is what happened here, because if sober people actually designed these, they should absolutely be fired.

Sometimes, we all make mistakes. But when it's our only job to design things that are usable, accessible and non-frightening, and then still somehow manage to screw that up, it's clear that there's a larger problem at hand. This is the case with the following bizarre and almost unexplainable designs, which appear to have been designed by people who showed up to work wildly under the influence. Here are 15 of our favorite images showing designs someone really should have gotten a second opinion for.

Headache City

(Source: Reddit)

You're Telling Me I Can't Eat These?

(Source: Reddit)

When A Dolphin And A Duck Mate

(Source: Reddit)

You Can Just Dot It

(Source: Reddit)

Mine Are Definitely Worth A Lot More Than That

(Source: Reddit)

That Volume Button Is A Troll

(Source: Reddit)

Talk About A Party

(Source: Reddit)

Where Are The Shining Twins?

(Source: Reddit)

Who Needs To Wash Their Hands?

(Source: Reddit)

Who Knew Sweden And New York Were Also In Paris?

(Source: Reddit)

So Much To Be Excited About

(Source: Reddit)

Mixed Signals Forever

(Source: Reddit)

I'd Rather Sit On A Fork

(Source: Reddit)

I'm Going To Need Twenty Cups Of Coffee To Understand This

(Source: Reddit)

Welcome To Your Nightmare

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/crappydesign, graphs, colors, hallways, dolphins, bathrooms, gym bags, coffee, benches, cancer, advertisements, mike and ike, anxiety disorders, remote control, bathroom designs, new york, sweden, paris, signs, collections,
