
The Real Stories Behind 10 Of The Most Famous Advice Animals

Two advice animal meme facts in the following collection.


Published August 04, 2022

Advice animals were around before most other memes were even born. In a way, they're the Titans of online humor, even though many of us aren't as quick to use them as we once were. But though times have changed and we've moved on to some more current formats, we can never forget some of the most iconic memes of the past, especially because these memorable images shaped the creation of many of the ones we still use today.

That's why we've gathered some fun, weird or surprising facts about some of the biggest meme formats from the animal era. In order to honor these iconic formats, our site has cataloged lots of information about these memes that you may have never expected. Here's some of our favorite facts about the biggest advice animals out there, so now you can read all about them and impress all your friends with your knowledge of meme history.

Socially Awkward Penguin

PTSD Clarinet Boy

Condescending Wonka


Grumpy Cat

Overly Attached Girlfriend


Scumbag Steve

Confession Bear

Bad Luck Brian

Tags: advice animals, scumbag steve, bad luck brian, grumpy cat, confession bear, ermahgerd, philosorapter, condescending wonka, overly attached girlfriend, socially awkward penguin, memes, popular, collections, meme facts,
