The Best 'Smash Ultimate' Trailer Remixes
We know Nintendo and Masahiro Sakurai are geniuses, but with the latest trailer for Super Smash Brothers Ultimate, they may have pulled their greatest trick yet.
The "'Everyone Is Here' Banner Comes to Life" trailer lacks music. It works perfectly well without, as the ambient sounds of battle do enough to fill in the space, but the lack of a backing track was a gift for memers, as dozens of creators remixed the trailer with different music to give the trailer a personalized flair. The result: the trailer received thousands of retweets and millions of combined views, all with the free, organic spread thanks to the creativity and zealotry of the Smash Brothers fanbase. If this was the intent, you gotta tip your hat to whoever came up with that idea. It's a win-win: Nintendo gets oodles of free publicity, and we get sweet, awesome memes. Here are some of our favorite remixes of the latest Ultimate trailer.
This Ridiculously Well-Synced "Don't Stop Me Now" Edit
X Gon Give It To Ya
How could I not? #SmashUltimate #SuperSmashBrosUltimate
— Misanthropony (@MisAnthroPony) November 12, 2018
Tony Hawk Intensifies
THERE i made it BETTER
— Berd (@berdyaboi) November 12, 2018
Happy Together
The True Sounds of Smash
This is what you're all really gonna be listening to though
— Lythero 🎮 (@Lythero) November 12, 2018
Sweet Victory
Behold! The ultimate Smash Bros. Ultimate commercial! I'm actually surprised no one hasn't used this song yet.
— Crimson Mayhem (@mayhem_crimson) November 12, 2018
My turn. #SmashBrosUltimate
— Alain-Christian (@AlainChristian) November 12, 2018
You Reposted In the Wrong Smash Ultimate
This is the Smash Ultimate Banner Trailer with music. Anything works.
— Sora ❤🔑 (@weegee847) November 13, 2018
I Will Survive
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