
The Best of "Shrek's Cringe Compilation"

The Best of "Shrek's Cringe Compilation"


Published June 13, 2018

Shrek may truly be the Lord of the Memes. The multi-layered ogre has been a staple of online meme culture for nearly a decade and is always a reliable character to cause a new meme to trend. The latest Shrek meme is his Cringe Compilation, an image macro series featuring the ogre taking a photo of all the cringeworthy garbage that happens online daily.

It may be a simple concept, but it's proven surprisingly versatile as a meme template, spawning dozens of variations and even a little controversy thanks to conservative commentator Bill Mitchell losing his mind when people kept spamming the image at him on Twitter. Here are some of our favorites.

Joseph Ducreux Would Be Proud


Birates of the Baribbean

Oh Yeah, Actually, That'd Be Great

Ness, You Rascal

Tasty Pie

I Have Become Death, Compiler of Cringe

More Like General Cringeous

Is Nowhere Safe?

This Was Inevitable

Dear God No

Bring Me More Pictures of Spider-man!

Tags: shrek's cringe compilation, shrek,
