
"It Hurt Itself in Its Confusion!" is a battle message from Pokémon role-playing video game series, first used in Pokémon Red and Blue. Online, screenshots of the message have been circulated as a reaction image and an image macro in reference to self-destructive actions. Therefore, it makes for funny memes. The first known post in which it was used as a reaction image was created by Redditor tatlo17 in /r/funny subreddit on August 11th, 2015, and since then has been used on and off again throughout the years.

It Hurt Itself in Its Confusion!

(Source: KYM)


In the following years the macro saw consistent use on Reddit. On January 30st, 2019, Redditor[6] butterdwettoastbro used the macro in a popular post to /r/PewdiepieSubmissions subreddit which gained over 42,900 upvotes, causing an increase in the use of the format.


Cancer has become confused

(Source: reddit)

UK is confused!

(Source: reddit)

England! Are you confused?

(Source: Twitter)

Your Pokemon became confused!

(Source: reddit)

Who you calling confused normie-said normie

(Source: reddit)

Buzzfeed is getting confused…

(Source: reddit)

Ohoh, Someone is VERY confused…

(Source: reddit)

Youtube… are you confused?

(Source: reddit)

Police these days are getting a little confused

(Source: reddit)

Karma isn't confused

(Source: reddit)

Pika Pika?

(Source: "Facebook ":https://www.facebook.com/338050976215709/posts/1405190792835050)

Free Speech hurt himself with the confusion…oops

(Source: reddit)

Must hurt to be this confused

(Source: reddit)

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