
The Best Memes About Ohio Taking Over The World


Published February 07, 2020

Ohio. The very name strikes fear in the hearts of even the bravest man. It's where angels fear to tread. And it's taking over the world.

At least, that's what a series of recent, nonsensical memes where the gentle midwestern state of Ohio is the center of some sort of global danger. It seems that there's no real reason this happened, but the memes are solid. Here's a few of the top ones to come out of Reddit in the past few weeks.


(Source: Reddit)

Our Last Hope

(Source: Reddit)

We Must Delete Monika

Yoda, No!

(Source: Reddit)

Ace In The Hole

(Source: iFunny)

Then Perish

(Source: Reddit)

The World Is Coming

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: ohio, vs. the world, it was all ohio,
