
The 15 Best Ironic Bosses Of Reddit's 'Bossfight'


Published 2 years ago

Boss fights have been a central meme trope for decades. Maybe it's because the online community is full of a bunch of gamers. Or maybe it's just because we like ironic content showcasing "bosses" that aren't anything close to what you'd expect. Bosses in gaming are a lot scarier than these things, but give one of them a health bar, and we'd suddenly be unwilling to encounter anything like this in real life.

Would we want to face off with these people, animals, and more in real life? Definitely not, but that may say more about our own laziness than the abilities of these overpowered things collected in Reddit's /r/Bossfight. From funny to just plain confusing, these are the best bosses any gamer would fear stumbling upon in a videogame.

Octo-Baby, Defender of the Couch

(Source: Reddit)

The Adblocker

(Source: Reddit)

Ruler of Eternity

(Source: Reddit)

The Queen of England never dying ultimately turned out to not be the case, but still, the pandemic never stopped her.

The Poison Man

(Source: Reddit)

The One-Eyed God

(Source: Reddit)

Untied Sour Patch Kids

(Source: Reddit)

Impaler of Fools Who Forget Their Lessons

(Source: Reddit)

Did you do your Spanish lesson today? If not, the Duolingo Owl could be coming after you.

The Jazz Paladin

(Source: Reddit)

PSA: don't do this. No one should have to tell you that, but you'd be amazed what people will copy after the Tide Pod challenge

Keeper of Bee Royalty

(Source: Reddit)

The Glass Destroyer

(Source: Reddit)

Cats are always formiddable opponents, but this one looks like he's reshapen the car entirely to his needs, and he seems oddly comfortable even though he's sleeping on broken glass.

Bamboozler, Conqueror of Vietnam

(Source: Reddit)

The Milk Knight

(Source: Reddit)

The Doom Vegetable

(Source: Reddit)

Buff Bouncer Pigeons

(Source: Reddit)

Twitter is home to some strange things, including a number of awkward bird photos like this one.

The Queen on a Run

(Source: Reddit)

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Tags: bossfight, boss fight, reddit, /r/bossfight, funny, weird, blursed, blursed image, cursed, cursed image, cats, twitter, tweets, duolingo owl, gaming, video game, collections, bossfight, boss fight, reddit, /r/bossfight, funny, weird, blursed, blursed image, cursed, cursed image, cats, twitter, tweets, duolingo owl, gaming, video game, collections,
