Stephen Miller, who is currently a senior White House advisor for the Trump administration, is now at the center of a leaked email scandal thanks to a Southern Poverty Law Center article that details emails he sent to Breitbart News in 2015 and 2016. Katie McHugh who is the source of the leaks worked at Breitbart from 2014-2017 and submitted around 900 of Miller's emails to Hatewatch, the Southern Poverty Law Center's blog.

According to Hatewatch, Miller's emails include "white nationalist websites, a “white genocide”-themed novel in which Indian men rape white women, xenophobic conspiracy theories and eugenics-era immigration laws that Adolf Hitler lauded in “Mein Kampf.” After language from the emails made it to Twitter, many users called for Stephen Miller's resignation and openly discussed how unsurprised they were by his beliefs.

A direct quote from the editor who leaked the emails, showed a connection between Miller's beliefs and some of Trump's current policies.

Several pointed out that he was hired because of his beliefs.

Some users decided to provide their own summary of the emails.

Regardless of the content matter, we did get some good videos.

There was a consensus that nothing about Miller's leaks were surprising in any sense.





Democratic members of Congress were quick to respond to the leaked emails.



As did 2020 presidential candidates.




Several were quick to air their doubts and condemn the article.



Mostly people just wanted to know why Miller's emails weren't receiving more media attention.




Some users were frustrated with the apathy displayed on most on Twitter.

And to others, the bigger news story was thast Breitbart News became a verified news source on Facebook.


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It requires a remarkable amount of willful ignorance to say that the Trump administration doesn't exist largely because of racism.



Willful ignorance bordering on cognitive disorder.



InB4 "He's Jewish so he can't be a Nazi!"



The reason he's a W.N is because he was picked on for being Jewish. He thought if he became the monsters, the monsters would accept him.

Don't bully Nazis, people. Instead, separate them from other Nazis and rehabilitate them. That's the only way to win. You cannot punch the Nazi out of someone.Punching them will usually just make them more hateful and less likely to listen to you.



To paraphrase and reframe a quote from a TV Tropes page, some people are just intolerant, unfortunately. There's no Freudian Excuse, and there's no simple ignorance about the subject. These kinds of people know exactly who the oppressed person/people is and hate them, simply for existing.



I'm with TheMysteriousGray on this one. I don't think Miller is a self-hating Jew. I think he just has no sense of right or wrong and enjoys hurting people. Like most people, I want to believe that every villain has a tragic backstory, but one of the hard truths of life is that some people are just fucking broken. Some people have had no significant hardships or trauma, they just enjoy cruelty. But at the same time, you can also find people who have been through a lifetime of tragedies, who have every reason to hate the world, and they still try to do good. We just have to hope the people who are good for no reason outnumber the people who are bad for no reason.
