While the world is going mad worrying about the Coronavirus, it's also going mad because its people keep singing "Happy Birthday" to themselves over and over.

According to health officials, one of the best things you can do to prevent the spread of the disease is thoroughly and properly wash your hands. To do this, the CDC recommends washing one's hands for 20 seconds, or roughly the amount of time it takes to sing "Happy Birthday" twice. Naturally, this has led to people wishing their hands happy birthday multiple times a day, and frankly, no one should have to think about "Happy Birthday" that much.

Some industrious Twitter users have provided the public a service by offering a list of choruses one can sing instead of "happy birthday" that'll hit that 20-second timer. The most viral thread was posted by Jen Monnier, who gained over 120,000 retweets with her thread.

Others jumped on the trend:

Naturally, as with any Twitter meme, there's a K-pop variation.

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Whatever floats your boat, well, in this case, whatever cleans your hands.
