Some Of Our Favorite Memes From Our 'Meme Checkpoint' Facebook Challenge
Since we love our fans and their amazing sense of humor (you guys are the reasons we have jobs), it's time for our roundup of all of the best memes we received from our weekly "Meme Checkpoint" challenge! On Facebook, we pulled over fans of the official Know Your Meme page and asked them to show us the most recent meme in their phone. Because our fans have the best sense of humor out of anyone's fans, they certainly delivered, and they shared some weird, wild and relatable memes that we absolutely love.
Once in a while, we could all use a meme checkpoint to keep on top of current trends and see what everyone's laughing about nowadays, so we drop by weekly to see the best memes the modern era has to offer, as chosen by you. Out of the numerous responses we got, here are the best memes submitted to the post from this week.