
Smash Mouth Held A Very Un-socially Distanced Concert During The Pandemic And People Have Jokes


Published 4 years ago

Unfortunately, conventional wisdom (and the CDC) dictates that large gatherings still aren't safe as the coronavirus pandemic trudges along, but this was apparently lost on Smash Mouth, who literally said "F*** that COVID S***" and held a concert last Sunday in South Dakota.

The concert was part of the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, a ten-day event that attracts roughly 250,000 motorcycle enthusiasts. The rally has nightly concerts, and bands like Lit, Trapt, Quiet Riot and other rock bands of yesteryear are scheduled to perform.

The event encouraged attendees to follow CDC guidelines, such as social distancing and mask-wearing, but pictures from the event show that the rules were not heavily enforced.

As this appears to be another troubling case of Americans pretending the pandemic doesn't exist, many Twitter users were dismayed, particularly as Smash Mouth has emerged as a small Twitter hero thanks to their support of LGBT issues.

But of course, no story about Smash Mouth is complete without All Star jokes, and the news had people dusting off their old song parody jokes.

While it's understandable people would jump to "All Star" for their jokes, it's worth noting that the group's criminally underrated "Pacific Coast Party" would work much better.

Tags: smash mouth, all star, concert, twitter, jokes, south dakota,
