See If You Agree With These 10 Things That Were 'Ruined' Because They Became Popular
Well, the world was full of some seriously good questions on /r/AskReddit today, but one in particular really provided some entertaining answers to a question some of us have wondered for quite some time. This morning, Reddit /u/PoopBucket2 (great name, by the way) asked, "What was ruined because it became popular?" and the answers did not disappoint. Some of them might not be universally agreed upon, but someone needed to say it.
We all have some controversial opinions on what's good and what's not, but few are as controversial as the ones in the thread, or simply as obvious, though we never really wanted to acknowledge it. Do you agree with these Redditors' takes on what was ultimately ruined due to popularity? Whether you do or not, they're certainly interesting takes, and it's entertaining to watch the discussions unfold. Below are some of our favorite responses from the people on the thread who are eager to argue for their cause.