Harry Potter is one of the most absurdly popular TV and book series out there, and the fandom is always busy making more memes about it. From plot holes to dark jokes, these memes are pretty great for anyone who's been a fan of the series at any point in their life, even if they feel like they've outgrown it, because the series will always have a special place in our hearts.

Over the past couple of years, Harry Potter has somewhat become a topic of controversy after J. K. Rowling was a little too active on her Twitter account. But the series itself isn't the problem, and since we all grew up on it, it's difficult to say Harry Potter contains some bad books and movies, because it certainly doesn't, aside from maybe The Cursed Child, but we don't talk about that one. Now, let's look back on the simpler times. Here are some of the best memes based on the books and movies to make you see your childhood favorite in a completely new light.

Plot Hole?

(Source: Reddit)

Fantastic Beasts Was Weird

(Source: Reddit)

So Unnecessary

(Source: Reddit)

Very Sad

(Source: Reddit)

Interesting Perspective

(Source: Reddit)

His Only Role

(Source: Reddit)

It Really Wasn't Great

(Source: Reddit)

No One Cares About Neville

(Source: Reddit)

Right in the Childhood

(Source: Reddit)

All of Us

(Source: Reddit)

So Dudley Saw PS1 Hagrid

(Source: Reddit)

An Old Friend

(Source: Reddit)

Happy Endings

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

True Champion

(Source: Reddit)

Don't Mess With Time

(Source: Reddit)

Wasted Energy

(Source: Reddit)

Suddenly So Cool

(Source: Reddit)

It's Happening

(Source: Reddit)

Finally, John Cena's Being Acknowledged for His Role

(Source: Reddit)

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Harry Potter
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Ah yes another "Rebecca Explores a Subreddit and posts many of the most recent memes in popularity.

No offense but personally I think the users who take their time to make the memes (if possible) get mentioned as well or maybe not just reddit be explored and say facebook and other sites be checked out as well for more unique outcomes
