
"Poo Fighters" Trends As Everyone Comes Up With Same "Change A Letter, Ruin A Band' Joke


Published 4 years ago

There's a concept in comedy called "parallel thinking," wherein a comic will accidentally tell a similar joke to another simply because they both arrived at the joke independently without hearing the other's material. It was made infamous by Amy Schumer who was accused of stealing jokes in 2016 but was defended by other comics who said the similarities between her jokes and theirs was likely an example of "parallel thinking."

Yesterday, it seems all of Twitter experienced parallel thinking as hundreds of users all came up with the joke "Poo Fighters" at the same time.

Last night, a "Change a letter, ruin a band" game began circulating on Twitter, and while there were some quality gags like "Blob Party" and "Gorillas," by far the most common joke was "Poo Fighters."

The joke was so common that "Poo Fighters" actually trended on Twitter last night, sandwiched between dire coronavirus and the potential discovery of a parallel universe.

Thankfully, the inexplicable rise of "Poo Fighters" allowed for people to get some actually decent jokes off.

Tags: foo fighters, change a letter ruin a band,
