There is never a limit for the number of memes that one can encounter online. A large number of memes are continuously being produced on a daily, even hourly, basis – resulting in a never ending supply of entertaining content for people laugh at and share. Memes have become a creative way for people to express their humour and a way to bring joy to others.

Dank memes are a sub type of memes that are usually edgier, cooler and more often funnier than regular memes. And one place where there is a never ending supply of fresh dank memes is the subreddit /r/dankmemes. It is here that the most creative and talented meme makers post their funny, original and high quality memes for the rest of the internet to see. We've compiled some of the best ones from the month of October for you to enjoy!

Reliable source

(Source: Reddit)

This meme uses the highly popular "Do you trust me? With every cell of my body" meme template.

Too many ads

(Source: Reddit)

An image popped up on Twitter showing a ridiculous amount of these unskippable ads being trialed, and this led to an uproar in the online community.

Mission accomplished

(Source: Reddit)

We have a winner

(Source: Reddit)

Civil war

(Source: Reddit)

Gray or grey? The answer will depend on which country you are from.


(Source: Reddit)

Imagine Dragons is a well known American alternative rock band.

Has to be monday

(Source: Reddit)

It's high

(Source: Reddit)

Change of plans

(Source: Reddit)

The memes about the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine continues to be a polarising topic. But people have continued to share their humour on this touchy subject.


(Source: Reddit)

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