
Novelty Facemasks Are Another Obnoxious Side Effect Of Quarantine


Published 4 years ago

Social Distancing measures mean a lot of silly commercial products aren't available for purchase right now, but capitalism, to paraphrase Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park, finds a way.

As many clothing stores have been forced to temporarily close, the most popular wearable thing people can purchase right now is a facemask. That means the dumb-phrases-on-t-shirts market has moved northwards, and now there's a dumb-phrases-on-facemasks market. Twitter user and meme-savvy journalist Taylor Lorenz recently compiled a list of some of the cringiest ones currently available.

I'm sure we can all agree these are atrocious and if you see someone wearing these in public, you will certainly be staying the CDC-recommended six feet away from them, just because you don't want to be associated with that person. However, no collection of tacky fashion items would be complete without the all-time godfather of meme designs.

Tags: novelty, facemask, coronavirus,
