In an interview with Empire Magazine, acclaimed director Martin Scorsese ruffled a bunch of feathers by comparing Marvel films to "theme parks" and even went so far as declaring the films "not cinema."

After the interview was circulated on Twitter, many users responded by supporting and scoffing at Scorsese's views, while others remained downright confused about the chaos it caused. Below are some of the best reactions recorded as 'Scorsese' soon became a trending topic on Twitter.

First, there were those who agreed with the Taxi Driver and Goodfellas director.

(Source: Twitter)


(Source: Twitter)




However, Marvel fans did not take the news lightly and began to criticize Scorsese.

(Source: Twitter)



(Source: Twitter)



(Source: Twitter)



(Source: Twitter)



(Source: Twitter)



And then there were Twitter users who just didn't really understand what all of the drama was about.



(Source: Twitter)



Martin Scorsese's next film, The Irishman, is set to be released next month.

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Comments 14 total

Swol Toad

Great now everyone’s going to hate on mcu films now.


Black Knight

I'm sorry, is this supposed to be some kind of joke? They're not "real" movies? Is Martin Scorsese actually attempting to gatekeep movie making? This is the dumbest thing I've heard all week.


winton overwat

I mean lets all be completely honest here: Super hero movies are rarely good. Most are just fun


Farm Zombie

He's right. Marvel movies are ephemera. Use once and throw away. I enjoyed the dozen or so of them I watched until I realized I could barely even remember anything that had happened and had no desire to rewatch any of them.



I think that most of us are in agreement that Scorsese's comments are pretty spot-on.



I actually agree with him. I see most superhero films as popcorn flicks at best and there's nothing inherently wrong with that, they are ultimately still very fun movies. But when it comes down to serious dramatic storytelling, superhero genre isn't the first thing to pop to my mind, outside a few exceptions.



Marvel Movies are nothing but a product. Every choice is meant to appeal to he widest demographic possible to attain the highest gross from these films. It's perfectly acceptable to enjoy those films, but claiming they're anything more than a Disney committee-designed product is disingenuous.



Every piece of media you have ever consumed is a product. If it weren't, you would never have even heard of it.



The thing I don't get about this argument is that they are still movies. Like who decided movies can't be wide entertainment, a lot of the early comedies, western, kung-fu, science-fiction did'nt have that much yet are still considered movies.



Literally every movie is a product lol



Let's be honest: Only a few select MCU movies are amazing. The rest are just formulaic superhero-fluff regurgitated ad-nauseum.


Kenetic Kups

He’s right about most of them, a couple do go above the others though
