The following story was submitted to the subreddit /r/relationships, and centers around a woman asking for advice after her fiancée, who she has been with for several years, demanded that she take a full body CT scan before their wedding to rule out any underlying medical conditions. After her story was reposted by the Twitter account @redditships, many users couldn't help but reply with their own advice, which was pretty much just a chorus of many yelling "run."

(Source: Twitter)

The #1 answer appeared to be: "get out of this relationship."

GIFs and memes were used to emphasize this argument.









Others suggested he had other nefarious plans in his head.

Many wondered if her future husband was aware that all humans actually die one day?



Unneeded radiation deserves to be a band name.


Perhaps he should be taking the test as well.

Some people did try to find empathy for him after reading the story.

While others suggested that this was his elaborate way to remove himself out of the relationship.


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TBH this is just a more extreme form of STD test before marriage, etc. I don't see why it is some unthinkable sin to want to look into your theoretical lifelong commitment.

It's only weird because it costs so much and they purportedly do not have the money.



Or some extreme anxiety, even if it's an irrational fear, that she has some form of undiscovered cancer that may kill her and he doesn't want to be a widower shortly after marriage.
