Learn Some Fun Facts About Unusual Animals With These 15 Incredible Photos

Reddit's /r/Awwducational is a gold mine of wholesome animal content that internet users love. And while we're not always looking for education, this trending subreddit helps us pretend we're mentally healthy individuals. We know you're on here to avoid doing work, so here are some fun facts accompanying animal pictures so you can tell people you're technically doing something productive.
Moles have very dense fur that sticks out in all directions. This makes it easy for them to crawl backward in their tunnels
(Source: Reddit)
The aardwolf, whose name means “earth wolf,” is yellowish with vertical black stripes and a bushy black-tipped tail
(Source: Reddit)
The rock hyrax, the closest land-dwelling relative to elephants. Manatees are the closest
(Source: Reddit)
Adult Polyphemus moths, like other moths in their family, live for less than a week because they’re unable to eat
(Source: Reddit)
Caracal kittens are born with their ears curled up. It takes three full weeks for their ears to unfurl
(Source: Reddit)
Red pandas are one of the few animals on the planet that can climb head-first down a tree
(Source: Reddit)
The smallest armadillo species, the pink fairy armadillo. Its color comes from the blood vessels beneath its armor
(Source: Reddit)
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