In an exclusive interview with Fox & Friends today, forensic pathologist Dr. Michael Baden revealed that Jeffrey Epstein's autopsy report showed signs of homicide, rather than suicide. Dr. Baden, who was actually hired by Epstein's brother to look into his death went on to say that the fractures he suffered did not resemble one case of suicide in his 50 years of criminal investigation.

Users couldn't help but scoff at the report when the news hit Twitter, and soon Epstein and #EpsteinDidntKillHimself returned as trending topics. New York City Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Barbara Sampson, who originally ruled Epstein's death to be a suicide, went on the record today that she still stands by her findings. Below are some of the funniest reactions and memes to the consistent drama surrounding Epstein's death.


Additional shows on Fox News ran the story as well.


Soon, the Epstein memes were released yet again.














As many users pointed out, this might be the one issue that unifies the United States.




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Shouldn't be long before a patsy is established to take the fall for killing Epstein.



When it comes to situations like these, I always try to remain neutral, offering observations instead of opinions. But with politics being the three-ring circus it is, I can't help but wonder: did the doctor who gave the second opinion have ulterior motives guiding his verdict? Hell, did the first doctor have an agenda when they ruled it a suicide? Why would they have agendas in the first place? Why dispute the cause of death for someone who was arguably terrible in the first place?

There's a whole bunch of question marks here, all missing pieces to the puzzle, and something tells me the people in charge of this case don't want us to have all the answers.


Kenetic Kups

Somebody didn’t pay off the right people



No, this guy was hired by Epstein's brother to get a second opinion about his death.
