When 23andMe DNA tests were created, they were a valuable tool for figuring out your heritage. But pretty quickly, they had a lot of unintended consequences. This story is one of the wildest ones out there, and since we all love some high-quality drama once in a while, this person thought they should share this with the rest of us on the popular subreddit /r/TIFU, which stands for “today I f*cked up.” And that seems like an understatement for what this poor Redditor did. He encouraged his wife to take a DNA test, and the chain reaction of revelations that ensued were unforgettable.

The Original Post

(Source: Reddit)

This post went viral, earning nearly 39,000 upvotes within the first month on the subreddit. While learning about anyone’s family tree is confusing, the tldr says it all: this guy married his first cousin, completely unaware they were related.

Other People Chimed In with Their Own DNA Test Stories

(Source: Reddit)

Others Congratulated Him on a "Victory"

(Source: Reddit)

It’s Reddit, so we can’t be too surprised, but there was a concerning number of commenters who praised him for finding a legal and ethical loophole to marry a cousin. I’m worried about these people’s family members now.

Some People Tried to Console OP

(Source: Reddit)

This is better than the “good for you, that’s awesome” crowd that took up about half of the comments. Plus, that anecdote about a family reunion is a reminder that this happens more often than people might think.

OP Brought Up a Good Point

(Source: Reddit)

This all could have been prevented if the parents had just spoken up and recommended a DNA test much, much sooner. Why didn’t they?

Some Good News

(Source: Reddit)

Well, at least the bloodline won’t continue. We can celebrate that, and this’ll probably be a secret they take to their graves.

Some People Suggested They Have Children Anyway

(Source: Reddit)

Some Redditors used the excuse of the married couple being only 6% genetically related to insist that this couple should actually have biological children together, because they believe it will create a sub-species of human with enough genetic crises to become superior to the average human. Yeah, I don’t think they should test that theory.

An Update from OP

(Source: Reddit)

While many are not sure how we feel about OP’s decision to stay with his wife, we aren’t in his shoes and can’t decide whether the Alabama lifestyle would be for us or not. But after this trainwreck of a Reddit thread, we see now why DNA tests can have unexpected consequences, maybe in a different way than any horror stories we’ve heard before.

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