It's spooky season, and you know what that means. Like it or not, you'll be feeling the holiday cheer. Whether Skeletor's back with a not-so-fun fact or you just need to be reminded what a doot is, we've got you covered.

Don't Forget About Him

(Source: Reddit)

Not Allowed

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks Skeletor

(Source: Reddit)

The Trees Have Spoken

(Source: Reddit)

Baby's First Word

(Source: Reddit)

So Sad

(Source: Reddit)

Dead Memes Are Spookier

(Source: Reddit)

Is It November Yet?

(Source: Reddit)

Scariest Thing I've Ever Seen

(Source: Reddit)

Did It Work?

(Source: Reddit)

The Best Month

(Source: Reddit)

Surrender the Calcium

(Source: Reddit)

I've Been Lied To

(Source: Reddit)

Spooky Stuff

(Source: Reddit)

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Skeletor Facts
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Skull Trumpet / Doot Doot


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