When Generation Z came for Boomers, Millennials laughed, for they feared not that the sword would one day be drawn on them.

However, Millennials' day of reckoning has come, as a recent series of tweets, TikToks and comments documented by internet journalists, many of whom are millennials themselves, who themselves completely roasted.

The trend began, as most Gen Z trends do, on TikTok. There, user @mayalepa posted a video saying she was tired of Boomers lumping Millennials and Gen Z together, because she "didn't want to be associated with a generation that thinks Harry Potter movies are a personality.

Comments beneath the video showcased a load of brutally, painfully accurate roasts of the millennial generation. "They be 34 talking about 'I'm a Hufflepuff,'" said one commenter. "Like grow up and do a line of coke already."

The comments were documented by Twitter user @local__celeb, bringing Gen Z's true feelings about Millennials to Millennials' attention.

Taylor Lorenz tweeted a series of TikToks that also no-scoped millennials.

The hallmarks of Millennial buffoonery are all there. Doggos, Buzzfeed quizzes, Adulting: every embarrassing trend Millennials engage was nailed perfectly by the generation that grew up in their wake. And Millennials, for the most part, agreed.

It seems the future of generational bullying is in good hands. And if you're a Millennial reading this, take it from me, one of your own kind: we must do better.

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Proper Initiation

2/3 of these examples are just cringey bullshit.


Nox Lucis

"must do better" is better suited advice for your article writing, Adam.



Thank God my parents were stricter on not letting me read harry potter than Lord of the Rings. Harry potter is responsible for forever dissuading young people from pursuing natural means of self betterment and stunts their growth to being angsty 12 year old adults.



All is well. Some day in the not too distant future, they too will feel the sting of the roasts of generations yet unborn, and the cycle of the young disregarding the old will remain intact.



I find that Zoomers often aren't aware of the whole story but still posess a personal (as in: not external) conviction that Millennials (who are more outward looking) lack. Personally, I'd rather be unsure than living life erroneously thinking that I am right about things in spite of what is actually happening.



Do better? as in do better arguments against this? ok

Millennials literally were the generation that got the LGBTQ rights started to the point where its at today, by rejecting the hate and unease of previous generations and embracing those in that community. we got the first black president elected. We fought in 2 wars while also protesting those two wars and protesting the racism going towards Muslims from older generations. and all that Social Media Gen Z is using for their shitty ass jokes because they are doing everything they can to kill comedy only exists only because of Millennials. Millennials were changing the world while Gen Z was shitting in their diapers and staring at tablets that replaced what was apparently necessary social interaction.

And now we are gonna get talked down to because the ONE thing Gen Z has done that is at all notable is doing a riot and a protest? Literally, and i mean literally, every generation in US history has done a major riot and a major protest. The worst part is its not even just the Gen Z protest anyway, since Millennial's are also in their 20s and undoubtedly out there doing some protesting in large numbers. Id be willing to bet they are the ones actually getting shit accomplished for the most part, but it does not surprise me that Gen Z will try to take all the credit for it.



Relax lmao. It's not that serious.



So you've actively made things worse.



It's a joke, no need to go on a boomer rant



Bitch I don’t have to take that from a bunch of kids who used a cringe inducing platform like TikTok, the fine of 2020.

Also, last I check, the Zoomers mostly incorporate the Harry Potter shit to every serious discussion like that that one march against assault rifles. If it was us millenials we would of used something like Power Rangers or Pokemon for allegories.

This article is full of it, lol!



>"We'Re LiTeRaLlY cHaNgInG tHe WoRlD uwu"
>"anyway check out my autism challenge tiktok video"
>"also cancel Internet Artist for Wrongthink"



My theory is that Millennials are aware of how long life can be and therefore feel comfortable with acting childlike (which is also to compensate for their old, collective, soul).

Zoomers on the other hand are at risk of peaking too soon. And I have great expectations for the ultimate generation of children who currently get to grow up in total chaos.
